The Roles and Responsibilites of the Women's Ministry Team
The ultimate goal of the Women's Ministry team here at CFC is to encourage, uplift, and serve our church body in a variety of ways. Our vision, is that all people at CFC would feel welcomed and would feel the love of Christ through the members of our team. We are responsible and feel it a distinct privelege to participate in serving meals for church events, for new mothers, and for those in our congregation going through a difficult time. Women's Events are also of high value and importance. Not because we need an excuse to have a party or because events are required of us, but because we believe in the importance of fellowshipping with one another and arming together as a group of Godly women. If you are interested in joining our team, please contact the church office at (540) 943-5064 or cfcnaz.net. WE WOULD LOVE TO HAVE YOU!